To Close Your Eyes And See Fire

Nicola von Leffern, Jakob Carl Sauer
Beirut lies in ruins. After the explosion in the city's port, collective trauma rises to the surface. How can life succeed after such a tragedy? The film carefully observes the following three years and zooms in on the lives of Aya - a Syrian refugee girl, Selim - an activist and painter, the Aladdin family - mourning a tragic loss, Yasmin - picking up calls at a suicide prevention hotline, and Andrea - who still believes in the city's spark for change. Meanwhile, a smoldering fire keeps on lingering in the port's silos like a cautionary tale. Is it time to leave?
Technical Data
Running time: 98 min
Screen ratio: 1.85:1
Language spoken: Arabic, English, French
Completion expected: Summer 2024
Director(s): Nicola von Leffern, Jakob Carl Sauer
Writer(s): Nicola von Leffern, Jakob Carl Sauer
Cinematography: Jakob Carl Sauer
Editing: Matthias Writze
Producers: Peter Drössler, Sabine Gruber, Arash T. Riahi, Jakob Carl Sauer, Nicola von Leffern
Production company
Golden Girls Filmproduktion & Filmservices GmbH
Seidengasse 15/3/20
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 810 56 36