Weiyena – ein Heimatfilm

Weiyena – The Long March Home

Judith Benedikt
Weina Zhao, Judith Benedikt
Weina Zhao

Two family histories, one century and two metropolises merge in one person: Weina Zhao, whose parents called her “Vienna" – Wéiyěnà – because they emigrated to Austria. Her journey into the history of China leads to the Cultural Revolution, modern China and tackles the great issues of the 21st century: migration, identity and the search for one‘s past.

Technical Data
Running time: 95
Format: digital
Screen ratio: 1:1.85
Language spoken: German, Chinese
Production year: 2020
Director(s): Judith Benedikt, Weina Zhao, Judith Benedikt, Weina Zhao
Writer(s): Weina Zhao
Cinematography: Judith Benedikt
Editing: Birgit Förster
Producers: Kurt Langbein, Andrea Ernst
May 7, 2020
Munich (DOK.fest)
Awards (selection):

VIKTOR DOK.deutsch Award (Munich), Austrian Documentary Award (Vienna/Ethnocineca), City of Freistadt Documentary Award (Freistadt), Franz Grabner Award 2022, Grand Prize (Taipei/TIDF Taiwan International Documentary Festival)

Production company
Langbein & Partner Media GmbH & Co KG
Kellermanngasse 5/12
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 535 36 96
International Sales
Lerchenfelderstr. 88-90/22a
1080 Vienna
tel:+43 670 559 03 24