
Sebastian Meise
Sebastian Meise, Thomas Reider
This sensitive long-term documentary portrays the timid archeology student Sven who is one of the first pedophiles to face the camera to openly talk about his difficult struggle against his forbidden desires.
Technical Data
Running time: 75
Format: HD
Screen ratio: 1:1.85
Sound: Dolby Stereo
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2012
Director(s): Sebastian Meise, Sebastian Meise, Thomas Reider
Writer(s): Sebastian Meise, Thomas Reider
Cinematography: Klemens Hufnagl
Editing: Joana Scrinzi, Sebastian Meise
Producers: Sabine Moser, Oliver Neumann
Production company
FreibeuterFilm GmbH
Turmburggasse 2-8/5/2
1060 Vienna
tel:+43 720 34 65 10