Heimat ist ein Raum aus Zeit

Heimat is a Space in Time

Thomas Heise
Heimat is a Space in Time follows the biographical traces of a tattered family throughout the 20th century. People who once happened to find each other, then lost each other. Their remaining children, grandchildren now disappear. It’s about speaking and silence. First love and lost luck. Fathers, mothers, sons, brothers, affairs, hurt and joy in changing landscapes, which carry different, intertwined traces of time. A collage of pictures, sounds, letters, diaries, notes, noises, voices, fragments.
Technical Data
Running time: 218
Format: digital
Screen ratio: 1:1.78
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2019
Director(s): Thomas Heise
Writer(s): Thomas Heise
Cinematography: Stefan Neuberger
Editing: Chris Wright
Producer: Johannes Rosenberger
February 9, 2019
Berlin (Forum)
Awards (selection): Caligari Film Prize (Berlin), Sesterce d'or la Mobilière for best feature film (Nyon), Best documentary film (Linz/Crossing Europe), German documentary film award (Stuttgart/SWR Doku Festival)
Production company
Richtergasse 7/2/3
1070 Vienna
tel: +43 1 524 97 77
International Sales
Deckert Distribution
Gottschedstraße 18
04109 Leipzig
tel: +49 341 215 66 38