Best Berlinale Documentary THE WALDHEIM WALTZ

Ruth Beckermann's THE WALDHEIM WALTZ wins the GLASHÜTTE ORIGINAL – DOCUMENTARY AWARD selected out of 18 nominated films from the different Berlinale programmes, endowed with € 50,000.

Wolfgang Fischer’s STYX took three awards including the EUROPA CINEMAS BERLINALE LABEL, the Prize of the ECUMENICAL JURY for the films screened at the Panorama and the HEINER CAROW PRIZE.

THE WALDHEIM WALTZ by Ruth Beckermann

This prize for the best documentary film is endowed with € 50,000, funded by Glashütte Original. A total of about 18 documentary entries from the current programmes of the Competition, Panorama, Forum, Generation, Berlinale Special and Perspektive Deutsches Kino sections as well as the Culinary Cinema special series is nominated for the Glashütte Original – Documentary Award. A three-member jury comprising Cintia Gil, Ulrike Ottinger and Eric Schlosser picked the winner.  


Three awards to STYX by Wolfgang Fischer

PRIZE OF THE ECOMENICAL JURY for films screened at Panorama
The jury statement: Styx captures the attention of the Ecumenical Jury for the way it discovers the biblical story of the Good Samaritan in the challenge the EU faces in the arrival of desperate immigrants from Africa. It is a film of high artistic quality, which tells a tale of suspense, and confronts us with the ethical dilemma that individuals and nations must face when we are asked, “Who is my neighbour?”
The prize is endowed with endowed with € 2,500.
The jury statement: "Styx is a simple but highly dramatic story that has a very clear and powerful message – we in Europe cannot ignore the refugee situation. We must face it and find solutions. Susanne Wolff is remarkably strong as a lone woman sailor in mid Atlantic who comes across a boatload of people in dire need of help. Great cinematography and sharp editing drive the drama, and the imaginative and skillful sound design use the ocean and wind to heighten the tension. We feel that audiences across Europe will be gripped by this emotional film."
The prize comprises financial support for theatrical release in Europe.
The jury statement (in German): Mit STYX ist dem Regisseur Wolfgang Fischer und seinem Team, voran den beiden überragenden Darstellern Susanne Wolff und Gedion Oduor Wekesa, ein in der Tiefe beeindruckender Film gelungen. Auf der Grundlage eines klugen Buches, einer global relevanten Idee, eines Spürsinns und Gefühls für die Weltlage ist bei außerordentlicher Kameraführung, fein empfundener Bildmontage, feinsinnig abgestimmter Tonebene und vor allem dem meisterlichen Spiel der beiden Protagonisten ein Werk entstanden, das uns – geradezu atemberaubend – in unser aller Dilemma hineinführt."
The prize is endowed with € 5,000.