A German Life s among the 15 European documentaries recommended for nomination for the European Film Award 2016 by the ten most renowned
European documentary festivals.
A German Life by Christian Krönes, Florian Weigensamer, Roland Schrotthofer and Olaf S. Müller is the portrait of a unique witness of the
20th century 105-year-old Brunhilde Pomsel, secretary of Joseph Goebbles, during the Nazi regime.
The 15 documentaries selected are:
21 x New York
directed by Piotr Stasik (Poland)
A Family Affair
directed by Tom Fassaert (Belgium/Netherlands)
A German Life
directed by Christian Krönes, Florian Weigensamer, Roland Schrotthofer, Olaf S. Müller (Austria)
Becoming Zlatan
directed by Fredrik & Magnus Gertten (Sweden, Netherlands, Italy)
Déjà vu
directed by Jon Bang Carlsen (Denmark)
Europe, She Loves
directed by Jan Gassmann (Switzerland, Germany)
Fire at Sea
directed by Gianfranco Rosi (Italy)
Herr von Bohlen
directed by André Schäfer (Germany)
Lost And Beautiful
directed by Pietro Marcello (Italy)
directed by Helena Trestikova (Czech Republic)
Mr. Gaga
directed by Tomer Heymann (Israel, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands)
The Event
directed by Sergei Loznitsa (Netherlands, Belgium)
The Land of the Enlightened
directed by Peter-Jan De Pue (Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany)
The Longest Run
directed by Marianna Economou (Greece)
We'll Be Alright
directed by Alexander Kuznetsov (France)