

Bernhard Wenger
Matthias is the head of a successful Rent-A-Friend agency: If you need company, want to improve your public appearance, or even manipulate someone – just rent a friend. Matthias plays every role his clients desire – like an actor – but in real life. While he is a professional at pretending to be someone else, being himself is the real challenge. Out of character, Matthias is unable to feel real emotions anymore. When his girlfriend Sophia leaves him, Matthias goes in search of himself unleashing a chain reaction of absurd chaos.
Technical Data
Running time: 90 min
Language spoken: german
Completion expected: Summer 2024
Director(s): Bernhard Wenger
Writer(s): Bernhard Wenger
Cinematography: Albin Wildner
Editing: Rupert Höller
Key cast: Albrecht Schuch, Anton Noori, Julia Franz Richter, Salka Weber, Theresa Frostad Eggesbø, Maria Hofstätter, Branko Samarovski, a.o.
Producers: Michael Kitzberger, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Markus Glaser, Martina Haubrich (Coproducer)
Production company
Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
Hildebrandgasse 26
1180 Vienna
tel:+43 1 403 01 62
CALA Filmproduktion GmbH
International Sales
International Sales MK2
55, rue Traversière
75012 Paris
tel:+33 1 44 67 30 00