Der Soldat Monika

Soldier Monika

Paul Poet
The battlefield is gender identity. Monika Donner is a transsexual elite soldier, a poster figure for gender rights, and an author favored by the extreme right. Quickly she, who used to be a he, becomes a solitary warrior caught between the ideological fronts. The psychogram of an impossible person, realized as an intensive cinematic collage, using actors to travel even deeper into Monikas strange mind.
Technical Data
Running time: 106 min
Format: 4k
Language spoken: german
Completion expected: Summer 2024
Director(s): Paul Poet
Writer(s): Paul Poet
Cinematography: Simone Hart
Editing: Oliver Neumann
Key cast: Monika & Jasmin Donner, Sarah Zaharanski, Maria Hofstätter, Mateja Meded, Philipp Hochmair, Roland Düringer, Michael Thomas, Sibylle Rauch und Neil Young.
Producers: Sabine Moser & Oliver Neumann
Production company
FreibeuterFilm GmbH
Turmburggasse 2-8/5/2
1060 Vienna
tel:+43 720 34 65 10