
Sandeep Kumar
Happy from India is denied asylum in Austria after having lived in the country for over a decade. Happy ignores the deportation order, and stays on in Vienna to take care of his nine-year-old daughter Maya who lives in a children’s home. Exploited by the system, he works round-the-clock as a newspaper vendor and deliveryman to make ends meet. An unfortunate chain of events brings him face to face with his deportation officer. As Happy fights against all odds to find happiness in life, the film also exposes the same yearning for happiness of also all those who seem to have it all.
Technical Data
Running time: 110 min
Format: 2.35:1 Digital 4K
Language spoken: German, Hindi
Completion expected: Summer 2024
Director(s): Sandeep Kumar
Writer(s): Sandeep Kumar
Cinematography: Christian Haake, aac
Editing: Claudia Linzer
Key cast: Sahidur Rahaman, Lilian Klebow, Roland Düringer, Robert Ritter, Gisela Salcher, Adam Sandhu, Shirin Grace
Producers: Sandeep Kumar, Gabriele Gruber
Production company
Sandeep Kumar Films
Handelskai 94-96/10/24
1200 Wien
tel:+43 676 6351257