How to Build a Truth Engine

Friedrich Moser
Disinformation and conspiracy theories have reached a level unwitnessed since the turmoil of the 1930s. Feature documentary, HOW TO BUILD A TRUTH ENGINE, portrays a crack-team of investigators from the fields of technology, journalism, folklore and neuroscience who show that if you hack the information feed, you can hack somebody’s mind. Following their personal journeys they take us from the information battlefields into the inner workings of the human brain and show how - through us - a web of lies can change reality.
Technical Data
Running time: 116 min
Format: Digital
Screen ratio: 1:2.39
Language spoken: English, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Hebrew
Completion expected: Summer 2024
Director(s): Friedrich Moser
Writer(s): Friedrich Moser
Cinematography: Friedrich Moser
Editing: Gernot Grassl, Anna Kirst
Producers: Friedrich Moser, Robert Rippberger, Ivan Williams
Production company
Friedrich Moser Film GmbH
Maerzstrasse 32 Top 28
1150 Vienna
tel:+43 664 540 1566 (phone, Signal, Whatsapp)
SIE Films (USA), SideXSide Studios (USA) and Rebel Entertainment (USA)