
Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
Errol and Sasha two somewhat disoriented characters in their twenties are each aimlessly drifting through a city's gloomy winter days. Whilst casting a soft gaze on fragments of their everyday lives people stories places and realities start to overlap and intertwine. Bluish describes a fragile state of being a condition or rather an atmosphere of ambiguity and longing.
Technical Data
Running time: 83 min
Production year: 2023
Director(s): Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
Writer(s): Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
Cinematography: Antonia de la Luz Kašik
Editing: Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
Producers: Lixi Frank, David Bohun
Production company
PANAMA Film GmbH & Co KG
Münzgasse 4/17
1030 Vienna
tel:+43 1 943 11 33
International Sales
Habichergasse 39/3
1160 Vienna