Projekt Ballhausplatz - Aufstieg und Fall des Sebastian Kurz

Project Ballhausplatz

Kurt Langbein
How a group of young men managed to take over the government and lead it to the brink of democracy. What drove the "Praetorians" and why almost the entire country lie at their feet. Why the European public marveled and admired this.
Technical Data
Running time: 101 min
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2023
Director(s): Kurt Langbein
Writer(s): Kurt Langbein
Cinematography: Christian Roth
Editing: Alexandra Wedenig
Producer: Kurt Langbein
Production company
Langbein & Partner Media GmbH & Co KG
Kellermanngasse 5/12
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 535 36 96