Wenn du Angst hast nimmst du dein Herz in den Mund und lächelst

If You Are Afraid You Put Your Heart Into Your Mouth And Smile

Marie Luise Lehner
Twelve-year-old Anna switches from middle school to high school. Things are quite different here: the children in the new school come from a completely other social class. Anna feels ashamed of her background and her deaf mother. During the ski week, Anna must pretend to be sick. The money set aside for the ski course is spent on buying a sofa bed, which should enable her mother to have a sexual relationship, but also provide the daughter with a bit more privacy. Mara, a friend in class, becomes an ally when it turns out that she also is hiding a secret.
Technical Data
Running time: 87 min
Language spoken: German, German Sign Language, English
Production year: 2025
Director(s): Marie Luise Lehner
Writer(s): Marie Luise Lehner
Cinematography: Simone Hart
Editing: Jana Libnik, Joana Scrinzi, Alexandra Schneider
Producers: Katharina Posch, Michael Kitzberger, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Markus Glaser, Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Production company
Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
Hildebrandgasse 26
1180 Vienna
tel:+43 1 403 01 62