Maria muss packen


Filip Antoni Malinowski
A marriage of two members of the Polish intelligentsia, both retired, who are then forced to leave the apartment they have lived in for several decades. Their grandson, who lives in Austria, comes to accompany them in difficult moments. This poignant family story is a record of the socio-economic transformation happening in Poland as well as a testimony to the radical change in mentality, which is difficult to accept.
Technical Data
Running time: 72
Format: HD
Screen ratio: 16:9
Sound: Stereo
Language spoken: Polish, German
Production year: 2013
Director(s): Filip Antoni Malinowski
Writer(s): Filip Antoni Malinowski
Cinematography: Filip Antoni Malinowski
Editing: Filip Antoni Malinowski
Producers: Filip Antoni Malinowski, Jürgen Karasek, Carlo Pisani
Production company
Soleil Film
Linke Wienzeile 142/13
1060 Vienna
tel:+43 699 123 974 78
Malina Film (PL), RebelMango (CH)