Indian Dreams

Set in the realm between dream and harsh reality, this films explores the phenomenon that is India. The train journey from the north to the south, far removed from the usual clichés, transforms into a study of Indian society. Across a nation that is fast becoming the most populated country on earth while ascending to an economic superpower. Driven by a people with a strong belief in the inevitability of their destiny.
Technical Data
Running time: 90
Format: HD
Screen ratio: 16:9
Language spoken: English, Hindi
Production year: 2013
Writer(s): Walter Grössbauer, Claudia Pöchlauer
Cinematography: Walter Grössbauer
Editing: Walter Grössbauer
Producers: Claudia Pöchlauer
Production company
FORTUNAMedia Größbauer & Pöchlauer KG
Berggasse 21/2
1090 Vienna
tel:+43 1 586 68 54 22