
Ghost Hunters

They couldn't be more different, the members of the trio that allies in the fight against an Ancient Ice Ghost (AIG): Tom, an easily scared boy, Hetty, a professional ghosthunter and the loveable, but pretty slimy Hugo – a ghost! Will the team manage to save their town from the next ice age?
Technical Data
Running time: 90
Format: Digital
Language spoken: English
Production year: 2015
Writer(s): Tobi Baumann, Murmel Clausen, Mike O’Learly, Martin Ritzenhoff, Roland Slawik, Christian Tramitz based on the novel by Cornelia Funke
Cinematography: Thomas Kiennast
Editing: Alexander Dittner
Key cast: Anke Engelke, Milo Parker, Bastian Pastewka (as HUGO’s voice) Christian Tramitz, Karoline Herfurth, Julia Koschitz, Christian Ulmen
Producers: Tommy Pridnig, Peter Wirthensohn, Oliver Schündler, Boris Ausserer, Dominic Wright, Jacqueline Kerrin, Christoph Ott, Antonio Exacoustos, Heinrich Ambrosch
Production company
Lotus Filmproduktion GmbH
Mollardgasse 85A / Stiege 1
1060 Vienna
tel:+43 1 786 33 87
Satel Film, Lucky Bird Pictures (D), Warner Bros. Entertainment –Germany (D), Ripple World Pictures (IE), Immer Wieder Gerne Film (D), Arri Film & TV Services (D)
International Sales
Beta Cinema
Gruenwalder Weg 28d
82041 Oberhaching, Munich
tel:+49 89 673 469 828