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1070 Vienna, Austria
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Fahrtwind – Aufzeichnungen einer Reisenden
fair wind – notes of a traveller
Bernadette Weigel
“When do you know that a journey has come to an end?”
Bernadette Weigel asks herself in fair wind. Her journey carries her east on a barge headed downstream on the Danube
Bulgaria, then onward by train, bus, ferry and minibus through
Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
The essence of movement lies in the “immersion” in – rather than
the “progression” through – the world itself.
Technical Data | |
Running time: | 85 |
Format: | DCP |
Screen ratio: | 4:3 |
Sound: | 5.1 |
Language spoken: | German |
Production year: | 2013 |
Credits | |
Director(s): | Bernadette Weigel |
Writer(s): | Bernadette Weigel |
Cinematography: | Bernadette Weigel |
Editing: | Alexandra Schneider |
Producers: | Florian Brüning |
International Sales
Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 526 09 90