Stiftgasse 6
1070 Vienna, Austria
Google maps
tel: +43 1 526 33 23
Die Viertelliterklasse
High Octane
Imagine if somebody asks you what happened yesterday and you don't even know when yesterday was. Well, alcohol is a bastard!
Four very different gentlemen named Frustration, Fright, Anger and Stress are about to experience this wise old saying more
directly than they ever dreamed of - and we are there.
Technical Data | |
Running time: | 90 |
Format: | 35mm |
Screen ratio: | 1:2.35 |
Sound: | Dolby SRD |
Language spoken: | German |
Subtitles: | English |
Production year: | 2005 |
Credits | |
Director(s): | |
Writer(s): | Roland Düringer |
Cinematography: | Thomas Kürzl |
Editing: | Paul Sedlacek |
Key cast: | Roland Düringer, Eva Billisich, Loretta Pflaum |
Producer: | Roland Düringer, Florian Kehrer |
Producers: | Danny Krausz & Kurt Stocker, Peter Roehsler |
Production company
DOR FILM Produktion GmbH
Bergsteiggasse 36
1170 Vienna
tel:+43 1 427 10 11
Nanook Film