Die Tage wie das Jahr

The Days and the Year

Othmar Schmiderer
The Days and the Year depicts the life and agricultural work of Gottfried and Elfie on a small farm in the Waldviertel region of Austria. Having decided in favour of ‘smallscale’ farming, the two of them have consequentially pursued this aim, always regarding their animals as living creatures and the soil as a cosmos in its own right.

Technical Data
Running time: 87
Format: digital
Screen ratio: 1:1.85
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2018
Director(s): Othmar Schmiderer
Writer(s): Angela Summereder, Othmar Schmiderer
Cinematography: Othmar Schmiderer
Editing: Arthur Summereder
Producer: Othmar Schmiderer
October 31, 2018
Leipzig (DOK)
Awards (selection): Best Editing (Graz/Diagonale)
Production company
Othmar Schmiderer Filmproduktion
Kellerhausgasse 1
3484 Grafenwörth
tel:+43 676 602 85 70