Die Akte Aluminium

The Age of Aluminium

Bert Ehgartner
Aluminum is booming and has found its way into every facet of our lives: deodorants, sun lotions, vaccines and filtered drinking water. But what do we actually know about the side effects of our daily companions? The light metal comes with heavy consequences. Latest research links it to the increase in Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and food allergies. The complicated mining of aluminum is also an ecological issue.
Technical Data
Running time: 90
Format: HD
Screen ratio: 16:9
Sound: Dolby Digital
Production year: 2013
Director(s): Bert Ehgartner
Writer(s): Bert Ehgartner
Cinematography: Christian Roth, Gregor Centner
Editing: Angela Freingruber
Producer: Kurt Langbein
Production company
Langbein & Partner Media GmbH & Co KG
Kellermanngasse 5/12
1070 Vienna
tel:+43 1 535 36 96