Der andere Blick

The Other Eye

This essay explores the strange case of G. W. Pabst, the Austrian filmmaker who was considered a giant of early cinema before his reputation went behind a cloud. What possessed this liberal, cosmopolitan filmmaker to return to Austria in 1939 and direct movies for the Third Republic?
Technical Data
Running time: 130
Format: 16mm
Language spoken: German/English/French
Subtitles: English, German
Production year: 1991
Writer(s): Hannah Heer, Werner Schmiedel
Cinematography: Hannah Heer
Editing: Hannah Heer, Werner Schmiedel
Key cast: Henri Alekan, Freddy Buache, Anne Friedberg, Jan-Christopher Horak, Rudolph S. Joseph, Hilde Krahl, Francis Lederer, Ronny Loewy, Herbert G. Luft, Harold Nebenzal, Jean Oser, Michael Pabst, Micheline Presle, Heide Schlüpmann, Aglaja Schmid, Carl Szokoll
Producer: Johanna Heer, Werner Schmiedel
Production company
Thalia Film
Schliessmanngasse 4
1130 Vienna
tel:+43 1 877 65 66
River Lights Pictures, New York (USA)for ORF