Alte Meister - Für immer jung

Alte Meister - Forever Young

This Film contrasts two masters in their field - Elfriede Ott and Johnny Raducanu. Ott, an icon in the theater-scene, just turned 85 and is still burning for the theater. When she retired from an extremely successful carreer on stage, she founded her own school. Raducanu is known by almost everyone in Rumania - young and old people, they're all in awe when they hear his name. Quite the contrast to Elfriede Ott, he never played the system. Pianist and Actress, both turn out to be brutal, when it comes to their art, they destroy to build people up, but they couldn't be more different. The film takes all these contrasts to shed a different, a harsh light on both forever young masters.
Technical Data
Running time: 64
Format: Digi Beta
Screen ratio: 16:9
Sound: Stereo
Language spoken: German
Production year: 2011
Writer(s): Hakon Hirzenberger
Cinematography: David Adlhoch, Hakon Hirzenberger, Gerald Kerklez
Editing: Michael Stiegler, David Adlhoch
Izard Medienproduktion Berlin